Passionate and dedicated, Suresh Bhadri has proven leadership skills in sourcing, product development and streamlining of delivery/services.
Prior to the formation of Navigator, Suresh held senior management positions with retailers like Tesco and Littlewoods in India, including Country Manger, Tesco-India Operations.
Suresh has been very successful in creating strategies and processes that enhance client service all through his career and contributed immensely to the building of very successful sourcing operations for Tesco & Littlewoods.
Suresh has worked at the grass roots level with many of the leading apparel suppliers in the main apparel production centers in India such as Tirupur, Delhi, Bangalore and Chennai
A Fashion Design Graduate from NIFT (National Institute of Fashion Technology), Dhanya Sugathan is Highly Energetic and Talented with a strong Sense of Responsibility.
Dhanya was previously employed with Tesco India Sourcing as Merchandise Manager and earlier with Ambattur Clothing company, a manufacturer and supplier to brand names such as GAP, Tommy etc.. as Research & Development executive.
Dhanya's diverse experience in Sourcing, Merchandising, Research & Development and Designing has helped her develop a sound understanding of product and technical requirements. She has also been a consultant to the CIMI (Central Instructional Media Institute-India) a Government Of India body setting curriculum and authoring course materials for vocational training programs in various stages of apparel manufacture.